We have published data on four main areas from recent years of recruitment, this includes:

  • Competition ratios - application numbers submitted alongside the vacancies for each region - see the 'Round 1' tab on this page.

  • Short-list scores - average scores, the distribution nationally and, where applicable, information about the minimum score needed to qualify for interview - refer to the document library

  • Total scores - the national average total score awarded after the full recruitment process (application and interview), including a graph showing the distribution of scores nationally - refer to the document library.

  • Fill rates - the number of vacancies available and number filled by region -  refer to the document library

Separate data will be available for both rounds and overall in the case of fill rates.

Application numbers & regional competition ratios

The table below shows the number of posts, applications and resulting competition ratios from recent years. Please be aware that the figures in this table were taken at the end of the recruitment year.

 Vacancy / application numbers, round 1 2015-2023
YearVacanciesApplicationsCompetition ratio
2023 1633 4406 2.69
2022 1640 4008 2.44
2021 1567 3590 2.29
2020 1610 2798 1.74
2019 1563 2225 1.42
2018 1638 2455 1.50
2017 1678 2337 1.39
2016 1640 2516 1.53
2015 1550 2631 1.70

Changes were made to the recruitment process in 2018 such that applications are now made nationally, with candidates in competition for all regions throughout the process, where in previous years applications were made to a specific region. Although the process has changed, there is data on the website from previous years to help you gauge the relative popularity of each region:

  • Information about programme preferences and the competitiveness of each region can be found in the document library.
  • Fill rate data from previous years is available in the document library.
  • The table below shows the posts, applications and competition ratios for each region for round 1 of recruitment between 2015-2017 (when applicants preferenced specific regions at time of application); notes on the table's columns are given beneath the table:
Vacancy / application numbers per region, round 1 2015 - 2017
Region        2015 2016 2017
VacanciesAppsComp ratioVacanciesAppsComp
HE East Midlands 85 95 1.12  87 119 1.37 94 95 1.01
HE East of England  109 141 1.29  115-140 116 0.91 119-139 105 0.81
HE Kent, Surrey & Sussex 98-111 122 1.16  115 104 0.9 99-130 107 0.93
HE North East 70 106 1.51 81 72 0.89 91 72 0.79
HE NW (Mersey) 70-80 92








70-90 238 1.33
HE NW (North Western) 103-121 168  94-118 90-107
HE SW (Peninsula)













47 150 1.33
HE SW (Severn)  65 66
HE Thames Valley 33-58 92 2.04


96 2.23 43-48 85 1.87
HE Wessex 64 77 1.20  56-67 82 1.33 60-67 60 0.94
HE West Midlands 108-132 164 1.37  122-150 139 1.02 102-122 133 1.19
HE Yorkshire & Humber 122 156  1.28 152 156 1.03 144-179 141 0.87
London 309 832 2.69 267-312 784 2.71 250-305 745 2.68
Northern Ireland 52 113 2.17  70 83 1.19 88 82 1.07
Scotland 102 231 2.27  116 244 2.1 134 249 1.86
Wales 62 59 0.95  77-92 89 1.05 82-92 69 0.79


These are divided into the regions to which applicants could be considered in 2015-17. The number of applications relates to the total that chose it as their first choice region on their application form.


The vacancy numbers given here for each region are the total of all ACCS-IM and CMT vacancies available in the round. Numbers for this table are taken at the end of the round 1 application period; however, please note that post numbers sometimes change (usually upwards) during the recruitment year; final post numbers for the year is available with the fill rate information in the document library.

Competition ratio

The competition ratio for each region is calculated simply by dividing the number of applicants by the (total) number of posts available; eg 10 applicants competing for five posts would give a ratio of 2.0. When a range is given for post numbers, the mid-point is taken to calculate competition ratios and totals. 

Application numbers & competition ratio

As round 2 is held on a national basis, with candidates in competition for all regions throughout the process, the competition ratios below are based on national figures rather than by indiviual regions. Fill rate information, available in the document library, is an indicator of the popularity of each region.

Vacancy / application numbers, round 2 2015 - 2021
YearVacanciesApplicationsCompetition ratio
2021 No R2 recruitment in 2021 N/A N/A
2020 129 729 5.65
2019 385 844 2.19
2018 405 720 1.78
2017 462 732 1.58 
2016 376 596 1.59 
2015 268 600 2.34