Once you have received your invitation to interview, you will be able to book into an interview slot via the the Oriel system.
Upon logging in you will be able to choose from the vacant timeslots across any of the available regions. Slots are allocated on a 'first come, first served' basis so be aware that your preferred date/time might not be available. It is possible to change a booking to another vacant slot at any point up until the booking deadline should the need arise.
There is no benefit to being interviewed at one region over another based on where you want to train or any other reason.
Once you book a slot, you will receive an email confirming your booking and you will be able to see in your Oriel account details of your booking.
There will be a booking deadline after which any candidates not booking will have their application withdrawn; the timeline has information of when this will be. If you encounter any difficulty booking your interview, you should contact the PSRO as soon as possible, and before the booking deadline.
In the event you are not able to attend your interview at the scheduled date/time, you should cancel the booking via Oriel as soon as you are aware of this. If you no longer wish your application to be considered, you should also withdraw your application, again via Oriel.
This may allow your interview place to be offered to another candidate.
Interview login details
The region managing your interview are responsible for sending you the link to login for your interview; most regions use Microsoft Teams or VIDS, the new Qpercom system, but your interviewing region will confirm.
The timing for receiving your login details will vary by region but you can expect this no later than three working days prior to your interview; where available, regions will indicate the likely timing on the interview event, so check Oriel to see if more specific information is available. If your interview is being held on VIDS, instructions on how to access the platform will be sent by the lead region.
If you have not received anything by this date, you are advised to contact the region managing your interviews; contact details for the hosting region should also be available via your interview booking in Oriel.